Lowongan Kerja di PT P&G Operations Indonesia

Bersama ini kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja di PT P&G Operations Indonesia sebagai berikut:

PT P&G Operations Indonesia merupakan cabang perusahaan P&G global merupakan perusahaan yang memiliki 300 produk / merek di 140 negara yang sedang berkembang pesat. Selain itu, pangsa pasar Indonesia yang besar negara keempat populasi terbesar di dunia menjadikan Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat potensial untuk perkembangan brand global seperti Pantene, Rejoice, Olay, SK II, Vicks, Downy, Gillette, Ambipur, Wella, dan Pampers. Kami merupakan perusahaan barang konsumen (Fast Moving Consumer Goods – FMCG) dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di Indonesia dengan kontinuitas perkembangan double digit yang menghasilkan penjualan 350 juta dolar AS per tahunnya. Kantor pusat P&G terletak di Cincinnati, Ohio, Amerika Serikat.

Lowongan Kerja PT P&G Operations Indonesia

Salam sukses! Semoga diberi keberkahan untuk kita. Pada hari ini admin akan menyampaikan info lowongan kerja buat teman-teman yang sedang mencari pekerjaan.

Mungkin informasi yang admin tulis pada hari ini bisa menjadi alternatif, Karena Saat ini PT P&G Operations Indonesia sedang membuka lowongan kerja dengan posisi dan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

1. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – IT

What we offer :

  • You will have business responsibilities from Day 1 – working on at least one or two big projects
  • You will receive continuous coaching & mentorship– We are passionate about our work. We will make sure you receive both formal training and as regular mentorship from your manager and others
  • You will join our dynamic and encouraging IT teams and work closely with colleagues from other functions – We live our Purpose, Values, and Principles daily. We value every individual and encourage initiatives promoting agility and work/life balance
  • You will work in flexible work arrangements
  • Our interns are considered the best pipeline of talent for our Permanent positions. Based on your performance, you may get full time job offer from P&G

Internship Information :

  • Our interns are considered the best pipeline of talent for our permanent positions. Based on your performance, you may get full-time job offer from P&G

Job Qualifications :

  • Open to all fields of study, but majors in industrial/chemical engineering/computer science and/or having experience with digitization & automation, data analytics/science are preferred
  • You are 3rd year or last year students
  • Committed to do a full-time internship for 3-months/12-weeks (mid January-April 2025)
  • Have base analytical thinking for insights-based decision making
  • Born leaders and are passionate to make things happen
  • Have an external focus and a real passion for IT
  • Like to bring creativity & innovation to their work
  • Have strong analytical thinking and skills
  • Collaborate well with diverse groups of people

2. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – PRODUCT SUPPLY

What we offer :

  • You will have business responsibilities from Day 1 – You will work on at least one or two big projects
  • You will receive continuous coaching & mentorship– We are passionate about our work. We will make sure you receive both formal training and regular mentorship from your manager and others
  • You will join our dynamic and respectful Sales teams and work closely with colleagues from other functions – We live our Purpose, Values, and Principles daily. We value every individual and encourage initiatives promoting agility and work/life balance
  • You will focus in outcome-based project

Internship Information :

  • Our interns are considered the best pipeline of talent for our Permanent positions. Based on your performance, you may get full-time job offer from P&G

Job Qualifications :

  • You are 3rd year or last year students in all engineering majors and/or science-related fields (e.g. Computer Engineering) of study
  • Committed to do a full-time internship for 3-months/12-weeks (mid January until April 2025)
  • Have basic analytical thinking for insights-based decision-making and learning to use various data-centric and digital technologies
  • Born leaders who are passionate about making things happen
  • Have an external focus and a real passion for product supply
  • Like to bring creativity & innovation to their work
  • Have strong analytical thinking and skills
  • Collaborate well with diverse groups of people
  • Willing to be relocated

3. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – HR

What we offer :

  • Responsibilities as of Day 1 – you will feel the ownership of your project from the beginning, and you will be given specific projects and responsibilities
  • Continuous coaching – you will work with passionate people and receive both formal training as well as day-to-day mentoring from your manager
  • Dynamic and respectful work environment – employees are at the core, we value every individual and support initiatives, promoting agility and work/life balance

Internship Information :

  • Our interns are considered the best pipeline of talent for our Permanent positions. Based on your performance, you may get full-time job offer from P&G.

Job Qualifications :

  • You are 3rd year or last year student
  • Committed to do a full-time internship for 3-months/12-weeks (mid January-April 2025)
  • Love solving and analyzing problems to build creative solutions
  • Know how to set priorities and deliver what you commit to
  • Love working in a multicultural and diverse environment
  • Has the ability to learn on the job in a welcoming environment
  • Has good interpersonal skills to persuade, influence, and adapt communication style to different situations and individuals

Just so you know :

  • We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. Our mission of Diversity and Inclusion is: “Everyone valued. Everyone included. Everyone performing at their peak”

4. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – FINANCE & ACCOUNTING

What we offer you :

  • You will have business responsibilities from Day 1 – You will work on at least one or two big projects
  • You will receive continuous coaching & mentorship– We are passionate about our work. We will make sure you receive both formal training and as regular mentorship from your manager and others
  • You will join our dynamic and respectful team and work closely with colleagues from other functions – We live our Purpose, Values, and Principles daily. We value every individual and encourage initiatives promoting agility and work/life balance
  • You will work in flexible work arrangements

Internship Information :

  • Our interns are considered the best pipeline of talent for our permanent positions. Based on your performance, you may get full time job offer from P&G

Job Qualifications :

  • Open to all fields of study, but majors/having experience with finance/business/related field are preferred
  • You are 3rd year or last year student
  • Committed to do a full-time internship for 3-months/12-weeks (mid January-April 2025)
  • Have base analytical thinking for insights-based decision making
  • Born leaders and are passionate to make things happen
  • Have an external focus and a real passion for finance
  • Like to bring creativity & innovation to their work
  • Have strong analytical thinking and skills
  • Collaborate well with diverse groups of people
  • Willing to relocate

5. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – SALES

What we offer :

  • As a Sales Intern, you’ll need to be highly motivated, results-oriented, and comfortable in drawing insights from data. For all the work we put into creating the world’s leading consumer products, it means nothing if we can’t sell them to our customers. You can help us there!
  • During three months of internship, you will be externally focused, emphasizing efforts on national key customers and retailers. You’ll get an understanding of the customers and shoppers needs. Your contributions to negotiations on prices, assortment, merchandising and promotions will be essential to our success. You’ll have to collaborate with the whole customer team to prepare business plans and external negotiations

Internship Information :

  • Our interns are considered the best pipeline of talent for our permanent positions. Based on your performance, you may get full-time job offer from P&G.

Job Qualifications :

  • You are 3rd year or last year students
  • Committed to do a full-time internship for 3-months/12-weeks (mid-January until April 2025)
  • Have base analytical thinking for insights-based decision making
  • Born leaders and are passionate to make things happen
  • Have an external focus and a real passion for sales
  • Like to bring creativity & innovation to their work
  • Have strong analytical thinking and skills
  • Collaborate well with diverse groups of people
  • Willing to be relocated

6. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – BRAND

What we offer :

  • You will have business responsibilities from Day 1 – You will work on at least one or two big projects.
  • You will receive continuous coaching & mentorship– We are passionate about our work. We will make sure you receive both formal training and as regular mentorship from your manager and others.
  • You will join our dynamic and respectful team and work closely with colleagues from other functions – We live our Purpose, Values, and Principles daily. We value every individual and encourage initiatives promoting agility and work/life balance.
  • You will focus in outcome-based project

Internship Information :

  • Our interns are considered the best pipeline of talent for our permanent positions. Based on your performance, you may get full-time job offer from P&G.

Job Qualifications :

  • Open to all fields of study, but majors/having experience with business/marketing are preferred
  • You are 3rd year or last year student
  • Committed to do a full-time internship for 3-months/12-weeks (mid-January until April 2025)
  • Are born leaders and are passionate to make things happen
  • Have an external focus and a real passion for brand management
  • Like to bring creativity & innovation to their work
  • Have strong analytical thinking and skills
  • Collaborate well with diverse groups of people

Lowongan Kerja ini dibuka hingga batas waktu serta hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang bakal dipanggil buat mengikuti tahapan seleksi berikutnya.

Cara Melamar Pekerjaan di PT P&G Operations Indonesia

Bagi Anda yang minat dan yakin memenuhi kualifikasi Loker PT P&G Operations Indonesia Tbk diatas silahkan bisa melamar langsung APPLY JOBS via Link dibawah ini:

  1. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – IT APPLY JOBS
  2. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – PRODUCT SUPPLYAPPLY JOBS
  3. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – HR APPLY JOBS
  4. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – FINANCE & ACCOUNTING APPLY JOBS
  5. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – SALES APPLY JOBS
  6. P&G Indonesia Management Internship – BRAND APPLY JOBS

Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja di PT P&G Operations Indonesia yang admin bagikan dan semoga bermanfaat.

Jangan Lupa SHARE Informasi Lowongan Kerja Ini kepada semua Teman, Kawan, Kerabat sampai saudara kalian yang lagi membutuhkan pekerjaan pada tombol Share dibawah ini.


Segala proses recruitment diseluruh cabang PT P&G Operations Indonesia tidak membebankan maupun memungut biaya dalam bentuk apapun pada proses penerimaan karyawan baru.

Jika ada kandidat yang diminta untuk membayar sejumlah uang dalam proses recruitment, dapat dipastikan perihal tersebut merupakan penipuan dan kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas perihal tersebut!

Agar tidak ketinggalan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru setiap hari, ayo join Group Whatsapp


Agar tidak ketinggalan info lowongan kerja terbaru setiap hari, join channel telegram KLIK DISINI
Setelah melakukan pendaftaran sesuai dengan tata cara yang dijelaskan pada Lowongan Kerja di PT P&G Operations Indonesia diatas , kami sebagai redaksi berharap semoga anda dapat lolos seleksi penerimaan dan pada akhirnya menjadi salah satu pegawai diperusahaan atau instansi yang dimaksud. Tidak ada ucapan dan pembalasan yang kami harapkan dari anda selain bantuan saudara untuk dapat meneruskan informasi lowongan pekerjaan ini kepada orang lain, karena dengan hal sederhana tersebut sekecil informasi yang anda sampaikan atau anda sebarkan dapat menjadi informasi yang tak ternilai harganya bagi orang lain yang sedang membutuhkan pekerjaan yang kebetulan sesuai dengan lowongan kerja diatas ini.

Sumber informasi Lowongan Kerja di PT P&G Operations Indonesia diatas secara gratis kami peroleh dari sumber yang terpercaya sehingga kami persilahkan bagi anda yang merasa ingin untuk menyalin dan menyebarkan informasi ini, sebagai bentuk rasa terima kasih atas usaha kami ini alangkah baiknya untuk mencantumkan sumber alamat situs ini https://infokerja.net sebagai bagian dari artikel yang anda buat karena hal tersebut membantu kami untuk terus berkarya menyajikan update lowongan kerja terbaru untuk menjadikan situs ini rujukan nomer satu para pencari kerja di Indonesia dan membantu para jobseeker atau pencari kerja menemukan pekerjaan impian mereka.

Perhatian ! :
  • Mohon untuk selalu mengecek tgl EXPIRED lowongan (lihat bagian bawah tata cara pendaftaran) karena apabila lamaran melebihan tgl tersebut otomatis lamaran ditolak.
  • Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen disitus ini apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.