Lowongan Kerja di Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia

Bersama ini kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja di Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia sebagai berikut:

Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia Sebagai mitra strategis, Indonesia dan Australia menikmati kerangka kerja sama yang luas yang mencakup hubungan politik, ekonomi, keamanan, pembangunan, pendidikan dan antarmasyarakat.

Lowongan Kerja Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia

Salam sukses! Semoga diberi keberkahan untuk kita. Pada hari ini admin akan menyampaikan info lowongan kerja buat teman-teman yang sedang mencari pekerjaan.

Mungkin informasi yang admin tulis pada hari ini bisa menjadi alternatif, Karena Saat ini Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia sedang membuka lowongan kerja dengan posisi dan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

1. Department of Home Affairs – Visa Processing Officer

  • Non-ongoing for 3 months with possibility of extension/permanent, Full-time
  • IDR 11,378,897 per month
  • Jakarta, Indonesia

About the Department of Home Affairs :

  • The Department of Home Affairs is responsible for the coordination and leadership of strategy and policy in relation to cyber and critical infrastructure resilience and security, immigration, border security and management, law enforcement and counterterrorism, emergency management, citizenship, and the protection of Australia’s sovereignty and social cohesion.
  • The Home Affairs section in the Australian Embassy Jakarta is responsible for supporting the delivery of Department of Home Affairs functions offshore through maintaining an immigration operations capability and engaging the Indonesian government on issues relating to border security, customs, and immigration control.

About the position :

  • Under general direction, Visa Processing Officers are responsible for the assessment and/or finalisation of visa applications. Visa Processing Officers undertake these duties while also completing appropriate verification activities to ensure the integrity of the migration program.

Who to contact :

  • All queries relating to job applications should be directed to Recruitment Officer via email [email protected]
  • No phone enquiries will be taken, and only short-listed applicants will be notified.
  • An order of merit, that is valid for 18 months from the date the advertisement closes, will be established as a result of this recruitment round.

Under the direction of the RD, the key responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Assess visa applications for temporary and/or permanent entry to Australia and make recommendations to senior officers.
  • Apply and interpret relevant legislation, policies, and procedures to process visa applications, within service standards in a pressured environment, escalating sensitive and more complex cases as necessary.
  • Liaise effectively with clients and other stakeholders to achieve work area and departmental business objectives
  • Prepare moderately complex written documentation for visa applicants, including the preparation of visa decision records and client correspondence.
  • Maintain a range of client contact lists, respond to client enquiries, and provide information by phone and in writing.
  • Demonstrate commitment and flexibility in supporting the broad objectives of the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian Government.
  • Support the Department of Home Affairs’ commitment to providing a good service to internal and external clients consistent with the Department of Home Affairs’ Client Service Charter.
  • Carry out all dealings consistent with the Department of Home Affairs’ Code of Conduct
  • Identify and escalate any instances of possible migration fraud.
  • Provide general administrative support as required.


  • Experience in an application processing environment is desirable.
  • Well-developed communication skills, both in written and spoken English and Indonesian.
  • Ability to interpret complex policy and legislation is desirable.
  • Good time management skills, including an ability to meet deadlines and deliver outcomes.
  • Sound judgement and an ability to prepare high-quality correspondence and reports.
  • Proficiency in computer software applications, including the Microsoft Office suite, and the capacity to learn new systems is desirable.

Note all closing dates and times reflect Australian Eastern Standard Time/Australian Daylight Savings Time (AEST/ADST). This vacancy will close on 31 October 2024 at 11.30 pm (Jakarta Time).

2. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Senior Program Manager – Women’s Economic Empowerment

  • Non-ongoing for 2 years with a possibility of extension or permanent engagement, Full-time
  • IDR 31,350,960 to IDR 38,016,185 per month
  • Jakarta, Indonesia

About The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade :

  • The role of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is to advance the interests of Australia and Australians internationally. This involves strengthening Australia’s security, enhancing Australia’s prosperity, delivering an effective and high-quality development assistance program, and helping Australian travellers and Australians overseas.
  • The department provides foreign, trade and development policy advice to the Australian Government. DFAT also works with other Australian government agencies to drive coordination of Australia’s pursuit of global, regional and bilateral interests. Australia and Indonesia have an effective development partnership that is boosting economic growth and tackling poverty, improving health and education outcomes, and strengthening democracy, justice and governance.

About the section :

  • The economic, Trade and Investment Section provides analysis and advice to the Australian Government on economic, trade and investment policy developments in Indonesia and their implications for Australia’s national interest. The section actively builds networks and relationships to help strengthen our understanding of, and ability to influence, key economic issues. The section manages some private sector development programs, including Investing in Women in Indonesia and Katalis, and works closely with other Departments represented at the Embassy, including Austrade and Department of Agriculture. The section often manages high level visits.

About the position :

  • Working under limited direction, the primary role of the Senior Program Manager is to manage Investing in Women’s (2023 – 2027) country engagement in Indonesia. Investing in Women is an Australian Government funded aid program that operates in Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Myanmar. The program seeks to address barriers to women’s empowerment in the workplace, in business, in policy regulations and in the social and societal norms that underpin inequality. The Senior Program Manager will also have oversight over other DFAT-funded regional programs operating in Indonesia that focus on supporting women’s economic empowerment, including: Women’s World Banking, UN Women’s Gender Action Lab and the IFC Women’s Economic Empowerment, Financing and Inclusion Platform (WEE-FIP).

Key responsibilities of the position include but are not limited to:

  • Work collaboratively with other relevant Australian-funded development) and with other Development Partners (World Bank Group, ADB, UN Women) and play a key role in providing technical input and advice to other Australian-funded development programs to support WEE objectives.
  • Lead the strategic planning, program and project management for implementation of regional WEE programs that operate in Indonesia, in particular Investing in Women.
  • Monitor and evaluate the performance of Investing in Women against its End of Program Outcomes and Annual Workplans, prepare comprehensive and strategic briefs to support effective Senior Executive participation in Steering Committee Meetings and input into DFAT’s quality reporting cycle.
  • Monitor, analyse and provide and provide strategic recommendations on in-country WEE issues.
  • Develop, strengthen and maintain effective internal and external networks, including identifying opportunities for improved collaboration between stakeholders on WEE issues and lead initiatives to foster partnerships that drive innovation.
  • Develop and organise public diplomacy activities related to women’s economic empowerment.
  • Lead strategic collaboration with key development programs in the Economic Infrastructure and Investment branch and provide expert advice about how to deliver strong WEE outcomes through those programs.
  • Liaise with the development program area (including the Jakarta Post GEDSI lead) and provide advice to ensure that the Indonesian components of Investing in Women complement and contribute to Australia’s wider engagement on gender in Indonesia.
  • Providing support as required to the broader Economic Branch at Jakarta Post, including for high level visits and events.

Required Qualifications/Experience/Knowledge/Skills:

  • Strong experience managing international development programs
  • Knowledge of gender equality, women’s economic empowerment and private sector development policies and issues in Indonesia.
  • Tertiary degree in an economics, development, social science or a related field is desirable.
  • High-level written and spoken communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia including ability to provide high quality and targeted briefings.
  • Strong relationship building and interpersonal skills.
  • Experience in organising visits, events or workshops.
  • Demonstrated capacity to use initiative, work independently and exercise good judgement.

Who to contact :

  • All queries relating to job applications should be directed to Recruitment Officer via email [email protected]
  • No phone enquiries will be taken, and only short-listed applicants will be notified.
  • An order of merit, that is valid for 18 months from the date the advertisement closes, will be established as a result of this recruitment round.

Note all closing dates and times reflect Australian Eastern Standard Time/Australian Daylight Savings Time (AEST/ADST). This vacancy will close on 28 October 2024 at 11.30 pm (Jakarta Time).

Lowongan Kerja ini dibuka hingga batas waktu serta hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang bakal dipanggil buat mengikuti tahapan seleksi berikutnya.

Cara Melamar Pekerjaan di Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia

Bagi Anda yang minat dan yakin memenuhi kualifikasi Loker Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia diatas silahkan bisa melamar langsung APPLY JOBS via Link dibawah ini:

  • Department of Home Affairs – Visa Processing Officer APPLY JOBS
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Senior Program Manager – Women’s Economic Empowerment APPLY JOBS

Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja di Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia yang admin bagikan dan semoga bermanfaat.

Jangan Lupa SHARE Informasi Lowongan Kerja Ini kepada semua Teman, Kawan, Kerabat sampai saudara kalian yang lagi membutuhkan pekerjaan pada tombol Share dibawah ini.


Segala proses recruitment diseluruh cabang Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia tidak membebankan maupun memungut biaya dalam bentuk apapun pada proses penerimaan karyawan baru.

Jika ada kandidat yang diminta untuk membayar sejumlah uang dalam proses recruitment, dapat dipastikan perihal tersebut merupakan penipuan dan kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas perihal tersebut!

Agar tidak ketinggalan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru setiap hari, ayo join Group Whatsapp


Agar tidak ketinggalan info lowongan kerja terbaru setiap hari, join channel telegram KLIK DISINI
Setelah melakukan pendaftaran sesuai dengan tata cara yang dijelaskan pada Lowongan Kerja di Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia diatas , kami sebagai redaksi berharap semoga anda dapat lolos seleksi penerimaan dan pada akhirnya menjadi salah satu pegawai diperusahaan atau instansi yang dimaksud. Tidak ada ucapan dan pembalasan yang kami harapkan dari anda selain bantuan saudara untuk dapat meneruskan informasi lowongan pekerjaan ini kepada orang lain, karena dengan hal sederhana tersebut sekecil informasi yang anda sampaikan atau anda sebarkan dapat menjadi informasi yang tak ternilai harganya bagi orang lain yang sedang membutuhkan pekerjaan yang kebetulan sesuai dengan lowongan kerja diatas ini.

Sumber informasi Lowongan Kerja di Kedutaan Besar Australia di Indonesia diatas secara gratis kami peroleh dari sumber yang terpercaya sehingga kami persilahkan bagi anda yang merasa ingin untuk menyalin dan menyebarkan informasi ini, sebagai bentuk rasa terima kasih atas usaha kami ini alangkah baiknya untuk mencantumkan sumber alamat situs ini https://infokerja.net sebagai bagian dari artikel yang anda buat karena hal tersebut membantu kami untuk terus berkarya menyajikan update lowongan kerja terbaru untuk menjadikan situs ini rujukan nomer satu para pencari kerja di Indonesia dan membantu para jobseeker atau pencari kerja menemukan pekerjaan impian mereka.

Perhatian ! :
  • Mohon untuk selalu mengecek tgl EXPIRED lowongan (lihat bagian bawah tata cara pendaftaran) karena apabila lamaran melebihan tgl tersebut otomatis lamaran ditolak.
  • Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen disitus ini apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.